Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Joys Of Lil Man And Mommy's Phone

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The above has been brought to you by my adorable and apparently tech savvy almost two year old lil man. After he rearranged the icons on my phone, of course.

All of this obsession with mommy's phone began, as most bad habits, with trying to make life easier. In July, mommy (that's me) took a trip.across the country to take part in a bellydance/yoga intensive for five days, leaving daddy to fend for himself. This would be the first time I would be leaving my boys for linger than eight or nine hours, and I wasn't quite sure what I was mire worried about, me or them!

Really, my husband is incredibly capable (besides asking what to give lil man for dinner every night and timidly changing the dreaded number two diaper!) so, really I wasn't to worried. The only thing I asked was that he try nor to get him into any bad habits, since I spend eleven hours a day with lil man.

And then, I came home. Of course, I received updates every day, a bit sad because at first he seemed to not notice mommy was gone (but then he started walking around the house saying "mamamama") and everything seemed good.

Until I went to change a diaper. Turns out, daddy decided to use his phone to distract our lil man and make his job easier. Not to mention, let him fiddle around with it after for a few minutes, too. And anyone who has tried to take a "toy" away from a not quite two year old knows the meltdown that usually follows.


So now, it is almost impossible to do the dirty diaper change without the phone (it seems videos of himself and the commodities app are ever amusing) is impossible and the after effects are even worse.

Thanks, daddy. And, next time our son freezes up mommy's phone, or records mommy changing his diapers, I will forever think of you. (As long as he doesn't buy anything I wouldn't want, we are all good!) And the endless giggles as he watches himself are kinda worth it.

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