Our washer suddenly started having the fall funk...which was making that amazing laundry scent that gently wafts down the hall have a spooky monster mash kinda smell.
After Pinterest and Facebook research, my frugal mommy side decided that buying a "wash for ly washer" just seemed absolutely ridiculous, especially when I had the DIY ingredients right in my spookily decorated kitchen!

Armed with my big ol' jug o' white vinegar and box of baking soda, I marched dutifully into my laundry room (also noting the stalled state if my laundry room update, but more on that later!) prepared for battle.
Easy as one, two, three.
1.) Pour one cup vinegar in washer basin (or bleach dispenser), with a generous dash of baking soda (maybe a quarter cup). Bonus vinegar in the fabric softener dispenser.
2.) Select hot water, lowest water level.
3.) Start the washer, and enjoy the self cleaning of one thing in the house.
Told ya.

After Pinterest and Facebook research, my frugal mommy side decided that buying a "wash for ly washer" just seemed absolutely ridiculous, especially when I had the DIY ingredients right in my spookily decorated kitchen!

Armed with my big ol' jug o' white vinegar and box of baking soda, I marched dutifully into my laundry room (also noting the stalled state if my laundry room update, but more on that later!) prepared for battle.
Easy as one, two, three.
1.) Pour one cup vinegar in washer basin (or bleach dispenser), with a generous dash of baking soda (maybe a quarter cup). Bonus vinegar in the fabric softener dispenser.
2.) Select hot water, lowest water level.
3.) Start the washer, and enjoy the self cleaning of one thing in the house.
Told ya.

posted from Bloggeroid